
Roadworthy Vehicle

Before selling or re-registering a used vehicle, VicRoads requires the vehicle to be certified as roadworthy by a licensed vehicle tester. The Renno Workshop is authorised by VicRoads to conduct Roadworthy Inspections on all cars and light vehicles, including vehicles fitted with LPG.

Your vehicle will be tested on a number of key trouble spots and safety features, including:

  • wheels and tyres
  • steering, suspensions and braking systems
  • seats and seatbelts
  • lights and reflectors
  • windscreen and windows including front wipers and washers
  • vehicle structure
  • other safety related items on the body, chassis or engine.

Roadworthy Certificate

To obtain a roadworthy certificate:

  • Book your vehicle in for a roadworthy inspection by giving us a call, sending us an email via our contact page or talking to us in person.
  • Bring your car in for the inspection along with your driver's licence. A licensed vehicle tester will assess your car; the process normally takes two hours.
  • If the vehicle passes the inspection a roadworthy certificate will be issued.
  • If the vehicle fails the first inspection, we will provide a list of items that will need to be rectified for the certificate to be issued. We will also provide you with a quote of the repair costs required. If the vehicle has rust or damage to structural sections, you may be required to have the vehicle assessed by a panel repair shop. The panel repair shop will be required to fill in a structural repair report form.
  • Repairs are to be carried out and vehicle re-presented within seven days. Repairs can be carried out by our fully trained mechanics.
  • Make a booking for a re-inspection.
  • If the repairs are satisfactory, a roadworthy certificate will be issued.

A roadworthy certificate is valid for 30 days after issue. This gives you 30 days to register your vehicle with VicRoads, or finalise the sale of your vehicle, before you require a new roadworthy certificate.

Contact us to organise a booking today. For more information on obtaining a roadworthy certificate, visit VicRoads.

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